To the north-west of Seoul lays a growing city in-itself called Goyang. It is my understanding that the largest sub-city in Goyang is Ilsan. This is where MBC has moved its main HQ in addition to there being a very large lake park. For those somewhat familiar with Seoul, Ilsan is similar to Bundang. It's sort of an urban suburb if such a term even makes sense. Subway lines from greater Seoul run to these urband suburbs, but in reality, it's not Seoul, and the feel of these places is different. Slightly more quiet, less traffic, new families, nicer parks, etc...
While visiting my grandmother and uncle out in Ilsan this past weekend (happy parent's and mother's day!), I came across this bright green sign.
As a part of an ongoing Goyang city sponsored event, the bicycle rental program is being called "F I F TEEN" for reasons none other (at least from what I could find) than the average speed of a bicycle, 15 kph.
For those with membership, bikes can be rented for the 30 minutes free, plus KRW 1,000 for every 30 minutes thereafter, while non-members can pay through their cell phones at KRW 500 for the first half hour plus KRW 1,000 every half hour thereafter. I believe you can also return bicycles to any other F I F TEEN location.
this is nifty. did you go for a ride?